Elizabeth J. Johnson, Ph.D.

Elizabeth J. Johnson, obtained her Ph.D. in nutritional biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research interests are in the area of nutrition and neural health, with a specific focus age-eye diseases and age-related cognitive decline. She has been involved in numerous clinical and epidemiologic studies and has collaborations with academia, industry and government agencies. Dr. Johnson has membership with the American Society for Nutrition, American College of Nutrition, International Carotenoid Society, Carotenoid Research Interactive Group, and Brain and Ocular Nutrition (BON) Society, and Ocular Wellness & Nutrition Society.

Helen M. Rasmussen, Ph.D., R.D.

Helen Rasmussen PhD, RD, LDN, FADA, is a research dietitian. Her training included an NIH traineeship in inborn errors of metabolism at Emory University. She received her PhD in Educational Studies at Lesley University, Cambridge Massachusetts, where she also holds an adjunct faculty appointment. Her clinical and research interests involve translational education of nutritional research findings to the individual and the general public, specifically, the aging adult. She was a co-creator of the Tufts Food Guide Pyramid for Older Adults©, and the Tuft’s MyPlate for Older Adults©. She also created the Pong Pyramid© for Alcohol Awareness and the MyEye Eye Nutrient Chart©. She has been a research collaborator on numerous clinical trials that involve the domains of peripheral and cardiovascular disease, energy metabolism, bone metabolism, fat and water soluble vitamins, and exercise physiology. Her doctoral work, “Social Capital, Social Networks and Well-Being in a Longitudinal Cohort of Elderly Men and Women” involved mixed methods research techniques. Dr. Rasmussen is a member and fellow of the American Dietetic Association, past co-chair of the Food and Nutrition Section of the Massachusetts Public Health Association.